If you are feeling pleased after watching the HD quality videos on Youtube, then you will be even more delighted to know that now ultra-HD quality 4K resolution videos are available on Youtube for your enjoyment. The 4K quality videos are even more crispier, clearer and detailed than the HD quality videos. While the HD quality videos can have the maximum resolutions of 1020 pixels, the UHD (Ultra HD) 4K videos can have resolutions of 2160 pixels. On Youtube, not all the videos are present in 4K videos, and this is why you have to search specifically for the 4K resolution videos. Here is how:
- Search on Youtube for anything you are interested in. For example, I searched for a very generic term “music”. This will show you a list of search results of videos related to the search term.
- Click on Filters and choose 4K under the Features section. This will refresh the search results. This time the search results will contain only those videos that are available in 4K resolution.
- Click on any of the 4K videos to start watching them. The video might not play using the 4K quality – in that case, you can click on the small gear like settings icon near the bottom-right corner of the video, and select 2160p video quality.
If you have a slower internet connection, then you may not be able to enjoy the 4K videos as these videos need high speed broadband internet connection (at least 6 Mbps and more). On my 4 Mbps connection, I was having trouble watching the 4K videos without intermittent buffering.
Conclusion: If you love high quality videos, then its time to watch 4K quality 2160p resolution videos on Youtube. It is very simple to look for the 4K quality videos on Youtube and enjoy them on your PC.