Even though the market is flooded with RAM modules of as high capacity as 8 GB and you can combine multiple modules on a single motherboard to get as high as 32 GB RAM for your PC, yet some of the programs seem to grab all the juice from your RAM and leave nothing for the rest of the operating system. Web browsers are on the top in the list of such system resources hungry programs. For example, if you open multiple tabs in the Chrome browser then you may feel the system getting a tad slower, especially if the sites opened use a lot of media content (videos and flash etc.). If Chrome seems to get slower on your system, then you can use The Great Suspender extension to suspend those tabs that you are not using at the moment and free up the system resources held by them.
After installing The Great Suspender extension in Chrome browser, you can access its menu by clicking on its icon in the Chrome omnibar. From this menu, you can choose to suspend current tab or suspend all tabs among other options. When a tab gets suspended, it shows the text “Tab Suspend – Click to Reload”. You can unsuspend the tabs using the same menu.
When Chrome tabs are suspended, system resources held by them are freed up including the system memory (RAM) and the CPU processing power. You can use the task manager (Ctrl + Shift + Esc) to see the difference before and after suspending the Chrome tabs using The Great Suspender.
In the options for The Great Suspender, you can choose to automatically suspend the tabs after a certain time, not to suspend tabs having forms, auto-unsuspend tabs when they come into focus, and more. You can also choose keyboard shortcuts for suspending or unsuspending the tabs.
Conclusion: The Great Suspender can free up system resources used by various tabs in the Chrome browser by suspending these tabs. You can also configure it to auto-suspend the tabs after some time of inactivity.
You can get the The Great Suspender extension from https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/the-great-suspender/klbibkeccnjlkjkiokjodocebajanakg.