Send Short Voice Messages with Cord for Android

The popular sitcom Seinfeld from 90’s is being re-launched on Hulu these days. The first thing you would notice in the Seinfeld show is that they used a lot of answering machines in those days. Answering machines were slow to deliver the messages but you could actually hear the message in the caller’s own voice. On the other hand the SMS messages we use today are faster, but are just plain text messages. The Cord app for Android combines the best of both worlds and allows you to send short messages recorded in your own voice to anyone you want.

Cord is easy to use voice messaging app for Android. It lets you to record a short voice messages (a quick note, your baby’s cute words, your cat purring, your favorite song, you singing your favorite song, etc.) and send it to one or more persons in your contact list.

You have to start by signing up for Cord using your Google+ or facebook account. You can also sign up using your phone number. After this, you are shown a screen where you can touch the microphone graphic and record any voice message. You have to keep touching the microphone graphic for recording. The moment you let go of it, the recording stops.

Cord Voice Messaging App

A recorded voice message can be sent to any person from your contact list which includes all the people in your local phone’s contact list. As soon as you hit the Send button, it sends the voice message. If the recipient does not have Cord installed, then it creates a new text message with a link to your recorded message (which is stored on the Cord servers) – the recipient can open this link to hear your message.

Cord Voice Messaging App

Verdict: If you are tired of typing on your smartphone for sending the messages, then you are going to love Cord. It records your voice messages and sends them to one or more people from your contact list.

You can download Cord app for Android from