Even if you have a very high speed internet connection, you may not be using it to its full potential because of some settings in the Windows operating system. With a few changes made to these TCP/IP related settings, you can make your internet connection much more stable, responsive and a little bit faster too. These settings can be modified manually too, but you can do so in a much safer and comfortable way through the use of the free SG TCP Optimizer tool. This tool is designed by the Speed Guide Inc., and can quickly tune or optimize your internet connection for better performance.
SG TCP Optimizer is a portable application for Windows and works on Windows versions 8, 8.1 and 10. Some of its features require that you run it with administrative privileges, so you may want to run it by right-clicking on the downloaded TCPOptimizer.exe and selecting Run as administrator from the context-menu.
Most of the users will just click on the Optimal settings to choose pre-configured optimal settings for their internet connection. But if you consider yourself an advanced Windows user, then you can also tinker with various values like MTU, Rwin, QOS, TOS, etc. Once finished, you have to click on the Apply Settings button to make the changes.
It will display a window showing you a detailed informational view about which settings are going to be changed to what new values are going to be assigned to them. It is a good idea to select Backup option to create a backup file before you proceed with making the changes.
Some of these changes take effect only after you reboot your Windows PC. Therefore, you may not feel any change in the internet connection speed until you restart Windows. If you are not satisfied with the changes, then you can always return to default Windows settings or restore the settings from the backup.
You can download SG TCP Optimizer tool from http://www.speedguide.net/downloads.php
TCP Optimizer isn’t working with Windows 10 1909, though it’s been run with admin privileges. Upon restart of PC the Settings revert to Windows default values.