Ehime is a prefecture in the north-western Shikoku, Japan. Shikoku itself is located in the southern Japan. When we visited the Ehime prefecture as tourists two months ago, we were given free Wi-Fi access everywhere by the local government. On top of that, the Japanese leader in online security, Trend Micro is offering a free app called Ehime Secure Wi-Fi to protect this free WiFi network against malicious sites, phishing and other threats. This app works only on the Ehime free WiFi network, but you can also make it work for your home WiFi by changing the network name.
After the installation, the app shows a teddy bear, some sort of mascot for the Ehime tourism industry. You tap on the heart that this teddy bear is holding and then connect to the Ehime_Free_Wi-Fi Wi-Fi network and it will turn on the protection. Immediately after this, you will see a request to start a VPN service. In fact, the Ehime Secure WiFi app gives you protection via this VPN service to filter out any malicious or attack websites. This VPN always uses a Japanese server, so all your websites and searches display localized Japanese content.
If you are not in Japan anymore, and still want to use the Ehime Secure WiFi app, then you can just rename your home WiFi to Ehime_Free_Wi-Fi through the wireless router settings. After this try turning on the protection offered by the app and connecting to the new WiFi network and it will work alright. But do not misuse this service unnecessarily as it is meant only for the Ehime prefecture tourists.
When you want to turn off the protection, you can do so through the app itself. Or you can pull down the notification bar, tap on the VPN notification and then touch the Disconnect button from there. This will disconnect the VPN service and you will not be protected by Trend Micro’s Ehime Secure WiFi app.
You can get the Ehime Secure WiFi app from