How to Disable Rich Link Previews in Google Keep

After feeling disappointed by the price hike of popular note taking app Evernote, I finally switched to Google Keep. So far I had been using Evernote, so it might take a while for me to get accustomed to Google Keep, but at least Google won’t disable features from the free Google Keep like Evernote did. One of the new features I have found out in Google Keep is that it displays the link previews for the rich web pages (meaning they have embedded media in them). While this makes the notes list look very nice, it takes time to fetch the web pages and generate preview thumbnails for all the rich links. If you have small number of notes than you won’t notice any difference, but a longer and larger list will perhaps make the device a little bit busier.

If you do not really want to see thumbnails of any links in your notes, then you can disable this feature easily. Here is how:

  1. Open Google Keep in your web browser and sign-in to your Google account.Google Keep Disable Rich Link Previews
  2. Click on the Settings on the left side of the Google Keep interface.
  3. Uncheck Display rich links previews and then click on Save.Google Keep Disable Rich Link Previews

The settings are applied to your Google Keep account, so the changes take effect on all the device that you are using Google Keep on. If you are using Google Keep on Android, then you can disable this feature using a similar method – open settings and then uncheck the “Disable rich link preview” option.

Google Keep Disable Rich Link Previews

The app for iOS (iPhone) has a similar interface as the Google Keep app for Android, so there is no difference in how you can toggle the rich link previews feature. But as with the web app, the smartphone app also makes changes account wide and you can instantly see the effect on all of your devices.


  1. Problem with google is they have a history of killing off products so you may return to evernote

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