It so happens many times that find a really good website with complete instructions about how to reach a place, so you save it as bookmark and set out to follow the directions. But when you were outside suddenly the data connection died on you or you reached a place where you cannot find any type of network. This means that the website link that you had bookmarked will no longer work. To tackle this problem many people prefer to have the instructions, maps or guidelines printed out on paper before setting out to follow them. But now Google has added a new feature in the Chrome browser that would make printing the webpages unnecessary.
Now you can save any webpage link for offline use and view it whenever you want even when there is no internet connection. Here is how:
- Long tap on any webpage link that you want to download and you will choose Download Link from the menu that appears.
- When the webpage download is complete, Chrome will show notification that the webpage has been downloaded.
- In order to view the downloaded webpages, open the Downloads section. To do this, you can open Chrome menu and select Downloads from there.
- Tap on any of the downloaded webpages and Chrome will load it for you. An indication that it is offline will be shown in the address bar. You will also have option to Reload a fresh copy of the webpage from the internet.
Google had already added the feature to save some of the Youtube videos for offline viewing in the Youtube app some time ago. Now with a similar feature to save the webpages for offline viewing in the Chrome web browser, you would be able to use your Android smartphone even when there is no internet connection without missing anything much.