If you do not already know that you can access Instagram from any desktop web browser, then you are very late for the party. You can not only access your Instagram account from any web browser like the Google Chrome web browser, but you can also perform all the operations that you can from the Instagram app for smartphones. You can like a post, write a comment, and search for your friends or any other famous person. Only thing you cannot do from a desktop web browser is post your own pictures – this action can be performed only from the smartphone app.
What I find interesting in the Instagram web app for the desktop web browsers is that the pictures are displayed much better on the large screen of notebook or the desktop computers. And you can zoom in to make these pictures look even larger and clearer. But with a white background the Instagram web app is not good for those late Instagram nights. If you are an Instagram night creature, then you may want to have a darker background for the Instagram web app.
And you can easily make the Instagram web app look darker using the BlackInsta extension for the Chrome web browser. As soon as you install this extension, the Instagram web app will turn into a much darker grey color. You will not feel strain on your eyes if you access Instagram after BlackInsta extension is installed in your web browser. Everything else stays and looks exactly the same as before.
This extension has no options that you may have to worry about. But the author of this extension keeps updating this extension regularly to make sure that any changes in the Instagram website do not break this extension.
You can download BlackInsta extension from https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/blackinsta/omafggpkobhofbknbcocflmkdkhbieik?hl=en.