When you are traveling, it seems like a good idea to store your private files on a USB flash drive (also called pendrives ) because if you lose your other devices like the laptop or mobile phone, your important files are not lost. Furthermore, if your laptop is stolen, the thieves do not end up with your sensitive information. But you can add more security to this setup by using Gilisoft USB Encryption software which is able to encrypt files on the USB drives.
GiliSoft USB Encryption is a both simple to use and very useful for the people who wish to store sensitive, private and important files on their USB drives. With the help of Gilisoft USB Encryption you can password protect your files located on pendrives, portable hard drives, memory cards, etc. Without having to load large apps on your small size storage devices, you can manage to encrypt your data easily.
It is possible for Gilisoft USB Encryption to encrypt the entire pendrive, but it can also encrypt only a portion of the available storage space and leave the rest of the space as unencrypted. You have to set a password to access the secure storage space which is visible through Gilisoft USB Encryption only.
In future, if you want to remove the encryption and make it a normal storage drive, then you can launch Gilisoft USB Encryption once again, select the target drive, and click on the “Uninstall” button. You will have to supply the password that was used to encrypt the data in order to remove the encryption.
Gilisoft USB Encryption offers very smart solution to keep your private files encrypted and away from everyone’s files. It uses the AES-256 algorithm which is very strong way to encrypt the files.
You can download GiliSoft USB Encryption from http://www.gilisoft.com/product-usb-stick-encryption.htm.