All the online game distribution platforms are busy giving away games during the summer season in order to attract more gamers. For the gamers, it is going to be a really fun summer season not only because of free games, but also because of some long awaited new releases. Now GOG is giving away an adventure and mystery game called Obduction.
The game starts with the protagonist enjoying the evening time walking on a beautiful beach. The sky is full of dark clouds when all of a sudden, a strange object comes from the dark sky, pummeling down on the beach. This artifact transports you to a different part of the universe in the blink of an eye. Before you have time to think, you find yourself on a strange alien planet.
Exploring this alien world, you realize that it has collections of objects from Earth from many different times and places. Now you have to piece together all the pieces of this puzzle to find out why you were abducted to an alien planet and find a way to come back to your home planet Earth.
The game storyline is very interesting and the graphics are very detailed. The game needs a powerful gaming rig with at least 8GB RAM, dedicated graphics card with at least 1GB RAM, and a quad core processor such as intel i5 2500. The game can be played on Windows or macOS computers. The download is full game DVD of 3.8 GB size. The best part of getting games from GOG is that they are DRM free and can be installed on any computer later on.
You can claim a free copy of Obduction on GOG by visiting You will have to scroll down on their website to find the giveaway link for Obduction. The giveway will last till June 1st, 2019.
Thanks for the notification about this giveaway.