Giftster : Smart Way to Manage Your Christmas Gift List

As Christmas approaches closer, one problem that many people come across is that they are not able to buy all the gifts that they wanted. And even if they buy the gifts, they are worried whether their family members will like them or not. Without proper gift list management, you can either forget to buy the gifts, buy the same gift for everyone or even resort to buying gift cards instead of the gifts.

Using a wonderful gift list management app Giftster, you can manage your gift lists and share them with the other members of the family so that they can contribute to the suggestions. In the Giftster app, you have to start a group which can be your family, your friends group or a group of colleagues at work. All the people you wish to be in the group are sent email messages for inviting them in the group.


After creating a group, you can start adding the items for gifting. You can even add gifts from URLs of newspapers or magazines where a product is mentioned. These gifts that you add are not for you to buy. In fact other members will look at your list and might choose to buy it for you. When they purchase that item, you will not be notified so as to keep the gift a surprise for you.


This way you can tell people of buying a really amazing gift for yourself. There are no guesses, no gift cards  and no forgetting of the list. You will  get the gift from a list of all the items that you were wanting all the time. Giftster is a very smart list app for management of lists related to gifts for any occasion particularly for the Christmas time.

You can get the Giftster app for Android from and for iPhone from


  1. Giftster is great, one correction to your review is giftster does not automatically notify the list maker if something is marked purchased on their list…it keeps that a secret so they are surprised at gift opening time. Giftster also has a website version too at

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