Those of us who have to work with computers everyday, know that we all have a morning routine. We arrive at the work place before 9 AM, clean up the desk a little, turn on the computer and then launch several programs one by one – all of these programs that are necessary for our daily work. For example, I always have to launch the web browser and then login to my employee account, then launch Microsoft Teams and login to that account, among many more applications.
After working like this for months and years, it forms a habit and there is nothing to complain. But instead of manually launching all these applications, it would be wonderful to launch them all at once in just one click or command. This is exactly what Open Multiple Files offers. It is a small application that allows the users to launch dozens of applications, documents, files, folders, webpages and other things in just one click.
In the Open Multiple Files interface, you have to add files, folders, URLS or applications by clicking on the Add button. You can change their sequential order – which item is launched first and then which item is launched. You can add a delay between the launch of two items. If you are opening plain text files (such as confguration files or INI files) then you can choose to open all the files using Windows Notepad.
After adding and arranging all the items in order, you can just click on large Open Multiple Files button and it will go to work right away. Of course, you can save your list and settings to a file that can be loaded for later use. It can even generate a batch script file that you can double-click on to run all the files in the same order.
You can download Open Multiple Files from