Visolve is a color correction software for Windows. It is useful for the people who have difficulty distinguishing between two particular colors. Using Visolve, we can capture the screen or any region of the screen and then use a number of color transformation methods to make colors much easier to tell apart. It can be used even when you are doing something else on your computer through the use of global hotkeys.
Visolve is a small tool with a resizable window. You can move its window over to the screen area that you want to capture. Similarly, you can resize it so that it fits the region that you are interested in. After you have moved and resized the Visolve window, you can capture the image by selecting File → Capture or by using the hotkey Ctrl+C. If you want to clear the image, then you can do so by selecting File → Clear image or by using the hotkey Ctrl+X.
Once you have captured an image, you can begin applying different types of color transformations. This can be done by choosing one of the transformations from under the Transform menu. Among the various transformations available are: red-green, blue-yellow, saturation increase, red filter, green filter, yellow filter, blue filter and hatching. The hatching is also useful when you want to fill a region with different types of hatching patterns.
All of the operations have hotkeys assigned to them. This makes it very convenient for anyone to use Visolve. Suppose you are browsing a website and want to use color transformations, you can use the hotkeys to capture the screen and then apply the color transformations in seconds. And since the image can be cleared using the hotkey too (Ctr+X), it is ready for the next image quickly.
You can download Visolve from