Get Instant Passwords with Secure Password Generator

It is so strange to think that passwords and pass phrases used to be a thing of spy movies or fairy tales, but today we are using them in our everyday lives. We have to enter the passwords to access our accounts and even our PC many times every single day. This is why we must get in the habit of using very strong passwords.

Whenever you have to create a new account, you need a strong password to use with that account. Without using a strong password, anybody will be able to crack or guess your password. Another time when we need to think of a new strong password is when an online service, website or device forces us to change the password after a few months. This is especially true for online back accounts where a user is forced to change the password every 4 months.

So how can you instantly generate very strong passwords without having to download or install any password generators? The security experts at Packetizer have made it as simple as possible. They have created a webpage that we can bookmark and when we visit this webpage in any web browser, it displays freshly generated passwords. If you need a newly generated password, just refresh the webpage by hitting F5 in the web browser. None of these passwords are stored anywhere.

Secure Password Generator

It displays six different passwords generated randomly. Each of these passwords are of different lengths and bit strengths. Each of these passwords are supposed to be used for different things. The webpage actually gives you an idea about which of the passwords are to be used for what kind of services. For example, it shows password of length 12 which can be used for different online websites.

It generates passwords of length 12 (for websites), length 12  with special characters (for websites), length 14 (for websites that need extra security), length 16 (for websites needing even more security), length 43 (for encrypting data) and length 64 (for precious data encryption).

While Packetizer’s secure password generator can keep generating random passwords for you as you keep refreshing the webpage, it is entirely up to you to memorize them. In case you decide to use any of them, you can copy these passwords into your secure password manager apps like Dashlane, LastPass or 1Password.