Test Your English Vocabulary with Word Coach on Google

In the recent months, I noticed that whenever I search for the definition of a word on Google, it showed something extra after the usual definition. This extra included a simple game called “Word Coach”. Using this simple game, you can test your knowledge of English words or even learn new words.

This little game appears on Google Search only when used from an Android mobile phone and only when used in a non-English speaking country such as Philippines, India or Thailand. So if you are located in any of those non-English speaking countries and have an Android smartphone, you can simply search for word coach on Google Search and it will appear on your screen.

Word Coach shows four questions that we have to answer. These are very simple questions and should not take too much thinking at all. Some of these questions are about synonyms, antonyms, similar or dissimilar words. Some of them are about matching words with images.

Word Coach

As you reply the questions by making a selection from the possible answers, you earn points per answer. If you answer correctly, then your score is increased by 120. If you answer all the five questions correctly then you get a full score of 600. In the end, it displays your total score along with all the right answers and explanations. If you want to keep playing then you can tap on Next round which would start the game with newer questions.

Of all the questions asked, the image matching with words is the easiest in my opinion. You have to be very careful when reading the questions as some of them are asking of “similar” or “not similar” words. If you hastily go through the questions, you are likely to make a mistake. Of course the game is for fun and improving your English vocabulary so there is no reason to be very serious when playing this new game.