Do you want to check out the latest tweets on Twitter but without having to use a web browser? You need a desktop client like Mixero. Mixero allows you to use the Twitter features right on your desktop. Mixero allows you to use Twitter and Facebook. You can login using multiple Twitter or Facebook accounts in the Mixero. Here is how you can install and use Mixero :
- Mixero uses Adobe Air. So you have to download and install Adobe Air.
- Download Mixero from
- Double click on the downloaded file mixero.air.
- Click on the Install button in the Adobe AIR Application installer as shown
- In the next window, leave all the options as they are. Click on the Continue button to proceed.
- The Mixero window would be shown. Choose a theme from the three themes shown.
- Enter your Twitter login credentials in the next window to login to your Twitter account.
- Mixero’s main window will open. You will see the tweets from the people you are following. You can see direct messages, re-tweets, replies etc by choosing the section from the left border.
- You can post a new tweet by typing it in the box at the bottom and clicking the Send button.
There are many options in the Mixero desktop client which were not covered in this article. You can check the Mixero User Manual for more information.