If you use a weak password in your Yahoo! e-mail account, try to access it through a public computer (like from cyber cafe) or use a public Wi-Fi internet to access your Yahoo! e-mail account, then there is a possibility that your Yahoo! e-mail account might get hacked. If you think that your Yahoo! e-mail account has been compromised, then you can try to recover it using the Yahoo! account recovery wizard. Here is how :
- Open http://mail.yahoo.com/ in your web browser and click on I can’t access my account.
- Choose My account may have been compromised and click Next.
- Enter your Yahoo! ID (your complete e-mail address like user@yahoo.com or user@yahoo.co.uk). Then enter the captcha code shown and click Next.
- Next step depends on your recovery options –
- If you have set an alternate e-mail address, then you will be asked to type your alternate e-mail address. Upon typing the correct alternate e-mail address, you will be sent a reset-password link on your alternate e-mail address.
- If you have set your mobile number in the Yahoo! account settings, then you will receive a reset code on your mobile through SMS. You will have to enter this code on Yahoo! wizard page. Upon entering the correct code, you will be taken to the reset-password page.
- If you have set recovery questions, then you will be asked two recovery questions. Upon answering these questions correctly, you will be taken to the reset-password page.
- No matter how you finish the last step, you will be taken to the reset-password page. On the reset-password page, you have to type a new password to change your Yahoo! e-mail account password. Type a strong password and click Next.
- After finishing the last step, you will be taken to a page where you can modify your password recovery options – like mobile number, alternate e-mail address and security questions. Once you finish this, you can login into your Yahoo! e-mail account. Congratulations! You have your account back!.