These days fraudsters setup a genuine looking site so that when you try to login to it, they can steal your login data. To secure your Yahoo! account from such phishing sites, you can use a Yahoo! Sign-In seal. A sign-in seal is a secret between the computer you set it up on and Yahoo!. So when you sign in to Yahoo! from your computer, your sign-in seal tells you that you’re seeing a genuine Yahoo! site, not a phishing site. You can create a sign-in seal easily. Here is how :
- Open in your web browser and click on Create your sign-in seal.
- You can create two types of sign-in seal – a text seal or an image seal.
- A text seal is a secret message that appears when you try to login. If you choose text based string, you will need a 21 character long message that everyone using your computer should recognize.
- An image seal is a secret picture which appears on the Yahoo! login screen. If you choose this type of seal, you will have to upload an image from your computer as the secret image.
- A text seal is a secret message that appears when you try to login. If you choose text based string, you will need a 21 character long message that everyone using your computer should recognize.
- Choose a color by clicking on See more colors and picking one color.
- Click on the Preview button to see a preview of the seal. If you are satisfied, you can click on the Save This Seal button to save the seal.
- Now when you visit to a Yahoo! login webpage like Yahoo! email (, you will see your sign-in seal. Your secret message or secret image with a background pattern in your secret color.