When you open many websites in multiple tabs inside an Internet Explorer window, it becomes difficult to switch to different tabs. This is specially true for Internet Explorer 9 in which the location bar and tabs are shown side-by-side in a small space. You can use the Quick-Tabs feature of the Internet Explorer to see a miniature view of all the open web sites in different tabs and then click on any of them to switch to that tab. The Quick Tabs feature is disabled by default. Here is how you can enable and use the Quick Tabs feature in Internet Explorer.
- Click on the gears like toolbar icon in the top-right corner of the Internet Explorer 9. Select Internet Options from the popup menu. Alternatively, you can also press the Alt key and then select Tools → Internet Options from the menubar.
- In the Internet Options window, select the General tab if not already selected.
- Click on the Settings button under the Tabs section as shown.
- Check the checkbox labeled Enable Quick Tabs (Ctrl+Q) as shown.
- Click OK to save the settings and restart the Internet Explorer for the changes to take effect.
- Now you can open many web sites in multiple tabs and press the Ctrl+Q shortcut keyboard combination to open the Quick Tabs page where you can select a tab and switch to it.