When you tweet on twitter using your smartphone like Android or iPhone, it automatically adds your location to your tweets so people would be able to see your geographical location from where you tweeted. If you tweet from your desktop computer, you can also enable adding location to your tweets if you want to. Here is how :
- Visit the https://twitter.com/settings/account webpage. Login to your Twitter account if needed.
- Check the checkbox labeled Add a location to your tweets as shown,
- Click on the Save button at the bottom of the page to save the settings.
- Now you are all set. Next time you logon to Twitter using a web browser, the browser will ask for your permission to share your geographical location. You should allow your browser to share this location. The following screenshot is for Internet Explorer 9 asking permission. Different browsers ask permission differently.
- Now when you tweet from your quick tweet box, you would see that Twitter is getting your location using your IP address at the bottom left corner of your Tweet box.
- You can also click on the small arrow to the left of the shown location and refine your location as shown.
- Once you have set your location, just tweet as you do normally and your location would appear alongside your tweets.