The SysInternals tools from Microsoft, like Autoruns, Process Explorer etc., are very popular among Windows system administrators. These tools give you the power to control and manage many different parts of Windows system with ease. The SysInternals tools are updated from time to time in order to fix bugs and introduce new features. The only possible way to update your collection of SysInternal tools is to download them individually and copy them to your folder where you have these tools. But now you can automatically update them using the powerful robocopy command.
The robocopy command is already included in Windows Vista and 7. If you have Windows XP, you can download robocopy from
- Open an elevated command prompt. Read how to open an elevated command prompt in Windows 7.
- Type the following in the command prompt and press Enter. This would start the Web Client service.
net start webclient
- Now type the following and press Enter. It is assumed that C:\SysInternals is the folder where you keep the SysInternals tools. You should replace this path accordingly.
robocopy.exe \\\tools “C:\SysInternals”
- After the update is complete, you can stop the Web Clients service if you want using the following command:
net stop webclient
As you can see, your collection of SysInternals tools was updated without any hassle and without needing to download each and every tool from its page and then unzipping it in a folder. This technique of updating using robocopy can save your precious time.