Many times you have to give your phone number to people you do not know personally. This is always risky as you do not know what kind of person you are giving your phone number to. For example, you want to be listed in Craiglist but do not want to expose your personal phone number to thousands of stalkers. For these situations, you can create a disposable web link for your phone number using the service.
After entering your phone number on the site, you get a unique Web address you can share as needed. When prospective callers clicks the link, they are prompted to enter their own numbers. From there, calls you both, then connects the two calls. Your number is never revealed to the other party. After the call is over, you can keep the link for future use or just delete it.
To create a link for your phone number, you do not have to create any account on the site. But if you have an account, then you can manage more than one phone number links using it. So it is recommended that you create an account which requires only an email address.
After logging in (or without logging in) to You can just enter your phone number in the field given on the main page as shown and click on the Create Link button.
The next step is to verify that you actually own the entered phone number. This step is necessary as it makes sure that not just anybody can create links for your phone number. Click on the Verify button to start the verification process.
Click on the Call Me Now. You would receive a call from When prompted in the call, press the four digit verification code shown on the webpage as shown. After you have verified the code, you would see the link for your phone number.
If later you decide to remove the link, then login to your account on and click on the Manage on the top right corner. You would see a list of phone numbers. Click on the bin like icon to the right of the phone number to remove the number’s link.
If you did not create an account, then you can call 415-325-2003 from the same phone number and you will be prompted to delete the link.
At present, the service is available only in the US and Canada. The free calls are limited only to 10 minutes. In the future, you may be able to get longer calls by signing up for a premium version.