Windows operating system is the most attacked target for the cyber criminals. If you do not keep your system updated and secured with a good antivirus and firewall, then you are at the risk of being the victim of any such online scams, malware infections or other cybercrimes. Bitdefender Security Scan is a free cloud-based application which can scan your system and analyze your system speed, security, update status and general stability. It is designed to provide information needed to keep Windows machines running safely and smoothly, in a convenient, speedy way.
You can download the free Bitdefender Security Scan from The download is in form of a setup file which you have to install. The download file is merely 5.5 MB in size and takes only a few seconds to download. Once you have downloaded, double-click on bd_securityscan.exe to install it. As soon as the installation is finished, you would see a red light icon in your Windows notification area. You would also see the main Bidefender Security Scan window pop up.
You can click on the Scan Now button to start the scanning process. You can also change the scanning options before you start the scanning process. To change the options, click on the Scan Options link on the top-right corner of the Bitdefender Security Scan window. This would open the Security Scan options window.
In the options window, you can choose options about whether to run the Security Scan at the Windows startup, perform Windows registry scan, check system integrity etc. Turn on or off the options as per your choice and then click on the Save button to save the settings.
After you have clicked on the Scan Now button, the Security Scan starts to scan your system. It checks for an exisiting and updated antivirus and firewall on your system. It checks for Windows registry problems on your computer. It also uses the cloud-based detection for scaning malware on your computer and to check whether you have installed all the latest updates for Windows. After a few minutes the scanning of your system would be stopped and you would be shown the results. If it finds any problem with your system, it will also show an option to fix it.
Just click on the big orange Fix All button to fix the detected problems. The related action would be taken. If you are missing antivirus and firewall, then it would prompt you to download one (of course from Bitdefender). If you are having registry problems then an attempt to repair them is made. If you are missing any Windows updates, then they would be downloaded and installed etc.
Bitdefender Security Scan scans malware on your system using the in-the-cloud technology, so that you do not have to download any bulky virus definitions to your computer. It can detect active malware (running on your system) in a very short time owing to the fast in-the-cloud technology. One more benefit of the in-the-cloud technology is that the virus definitions database is always up-to-date. If it finds any active malware on your system, you will be given instructions following which you can remove the found malware.
Using Bitdefender Security Scan you can keep yourself informed and protected about your system, no matter what security solution you have installed on your computer. It is recommended to keep it installed on your system and run scans of your system every now and then.