Remember as kids we used to draw mustaches over the faces in the pictures of all the pretty girls in magazines or newspapers ? It was so much fun. Now a new Google extension called Mustachio can do it automatically for all the pictures that you view in the Google Chrome web browser. Mustachio uses the face recognition API from This API scans your currently open web page for faces, and when a face is found, stamps that face with one of many designer mustaches. It can draw a mustache even on the face of Queen of England. Here is how you can install and use the Mustachio in Google Chrome :
- Visit the Chrome web store site for Mustachio at in your Google Chrome web browser.
- Click on the Add to Chrome button to start the installation. You will also have to confirm the installation of this extension.
- Once this Mustachio extension is installed, you would see the mustache icon on the right side of your Chrome omnibar. You can click on this icon to toggle off and on the Mustachio extension as shown. When the Mustachio extension is enabled it will show a darker icon and will draw mustaches on all the face pictures of any webpage you open.
- When the Mustachio is enabled, just open any web page with face pictures and let the web page fully load. When the web page is fully loaded, you will see a random style mustache drawn on all the recognizable face pictures on that page. It does not draw mustache on very small pictures. In the following demonstration pictures, I loaded a web site with Scarlett Johansson’s picture and it drew really cool mustaches on her face.
The Mustachio extension is very amusing and lets you have harmless fun with all your favorite celebrities. If you want to draw mustaches on your own pictures or your friends’ pictures, just upload their pictures to and then view those pictures in Google Chrome with Mustachio enabled. So become a kid again, go ahead and help everyone grow mustaches!