Twitter is a micro-blogging web site that everyone on this planet knows about. Twitter has been known to be the center of many nationwide revolutions like in Turkey and Egypt. If you are also one of many Twitter fans then you should know how to beautify your tweets by adding stars, arrows, hands, smile and various other symbols to your tweets. This way you can make your tweets fascinating, eye catching and attractive. Here is how :
- Visit in your favorite browser.
- Start typing your message in the tweet box given on this web page. The character count of your tweet would be dynamically updated at the bottom of the box, so that you do not exceed the usual 140 characters limit. You can add symbols by clicking on the symbol buttons given at the bottom. You can select various categories of the symbols like horoscope, patterns, arrows, hands, stars, abc, chess etc.
- When you are done composing your tweet message, click on the Send button to tweet it. This would require you to authenticate SimbolosTwiter application to access your Twitter account, so SimbolosTwiter can post the tweet on your behalf. Alternatively, you can just copy paste this composed message on in the regular tweet box and tweet it like normally you do.
Adding symbols not only makes your tweet messages look exciting and beautiful, but you can also convey more information through shortcut symbols (this is specially desired because Twitter only allows 140 characters in one tweet message). So go ahead and spice up your Twitter life by using Twitter Symbols in your tweets.