Everyone knows how much it costs to make an international call. They charge you for the full call even if you talk only for fifteen seconds. But now you can make free international phone calls using EvaPhone service online. The best part is that it does not require you to install anything, just visit the EvaPhone web site and start making calls. You do not even have to register. Here is how you can make free international phone calls with EvaPhone :
You have to visit http://www.evaphone.com/ in your favorite web browser like Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Internet Explorer. The EvaPhone web site requires you to have Adobe Flash installed before you can use their service. If you do not already have Adobe Flash installed, then you can download the latest version from http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/.
Make sure you have your headphone and microphone plugged into your computer and they are working. If you do not know, the headphone jack is colored green and the microphone jack is colored pink – make sure you match these colors when inserting headphone and microphone jacks. You can also double check by playing a sound on your computer and hearing in the headphone. To check the microphone, use Windows sound recorder, record something and try playing it back.
EvaPhone web site has a very easy to use interface. You are shown an Adobe Flash application of a touch telephone. You can select which country you want to dial to from the drop down listbox. This would automatically add the international country code for that country. For example, if you select USA, it would prefix 1 to the phone number; if you select Philippines, then it would prefix 63 and so on.
After selecting the international country code, type the phone number you want to call to. Finally, click on the green dialling button make the call. You would be shown a short advertisement video for about fifteen seconds which you must watch before the calling process is started. These advertisements enable EvaPhone to be free for you. The first time you use EvaPhone service, you would see Adobe Flash settings popup saying that EvaPhone.com is asking to access your microphone. You should allow it in order to make the call.
The calls are free – however, the phone call’s duration is limited based on its destination. For example, the free calls made to Swaziland is only 2 minutes long – after which the phone is automatically disconnected. You can see the list of free minutes allowed for each country by clicking on the Free Minutes tab.
You are allowed to make only two free calls everyday (you are identified based on your IP address). The first free call can be made without any registration – just visit the EvaPhone webpage and make the call. The second free call is allowed only after a registration which is free. If you want to make longer calls, you can add funds to your registered EvaPhone account and make many longer calls.
I could not call, I am trying 2 days