We all want to boost the performance of our computers, even if we have the latest hardware. This is greatly desired specially when you are playing computer games and do not want other applications to hog down your system resources. Free JetBoost can help you improve the performance of your Windows system easily JetBoost shuts down all the unnecessary processes and services to suit your needs with one single click, resulting in a faster and smoother computer system.
JetBoost is designed by BlueSprig Software and you can download it from their web site. The download is only around 3 megabytes and finishes quickly on a fast broadband connection. The download is a setup installer program and you can use it to install JetBoost on your computer. After the installation the main window of JetBoost appears where you can choose anyone of the presets – For Work or For Game. You can also choose your own custom settings.
After choosing a preset or choosing your own custom settings, just click on the Start to boost button and JetBoost would start its work. It stops unnecessary services and processes temporarily, which releases system resources like CPU power and RAM (physical memory). These released resources then can be utilized by other programs for your work or playing games. This way you would get a quicker and smoother system, without actually upgrading your hardware.
When you are done playing game or using a resource hungry application for your work, you can click on the Restore button on the JetBoost window. This would make all the stopped processes and services to start again returning your system back to the normal state.
JetBoost is a free program to help you keep your Windows computer super fast in gaming or during work. It supports all the editions of Windows 2000, XP, Vista and 7. You can download free JetBoost from http://www.bluesprig.com/jetboost.html.