If you want to capture full screen or an active window in Windows, then you make use of the PrintScreen key on your keyboard. To capture the full screen, just press the PrintScreen key. To capture an active window, you can use Alt + PrintScreen. It can be easily seen that Windows offers basic screen capture functionality. But if you want some more advanced features then you can use the Gadwin PrintScreen tool.
Gadwin PrintScreen tool is a freeware application for Windows. It allows you to print the screen capture, save it to an image file, copy it to the clipboard or email it to your friend. It allows you to capture either the full screen or capture a specific window. You can automatically resize the captured screenshot, convert it to grey scale, add a shadow under it and add a customizable timestamp to it.
You can download Gadwin PrintScreen from its website. The downloaded file is an NSIS installer package of around 4 megabytes in size. After the installation, it places an icon in the notification area of Windows. You can change the settings for Gadwin PrintScreen, by right-clicking on this icon and selecting Properties from the context menu.
In the Gadwin PrintScreen settings window, you can change the options as per your needs. By default, the capture hotkey is PrintScreen but you can change it to any other desired key under the Preferences section. In the Source section, you can select which portion of the screen is to be captured – full screen, current window, client window or a rectangular region. In the Destination section, you can set where the capture is to be sent. You can choose to send it to your printer, save it to a file, email it or copy it to the clipboard. The Image section allows you to choose various image file options – saving file formats (BMP, PNG, JPG, GIF or TIFF), whether to put a shadow under the captured area, convert it to greyscale or put a timestamp on it.
Once you have set these options to your taste, you are ready to perform the screen capturing activities. Just press the capture hotkey (by default the PrintScreen key unless you have changed it) and your source area would be captured. A new window pops up displaying the captured region. You can use the zoom slider to zoom in or zoom out. If you are satisfied, you can click on the Continue output button to finalize the sending of the captured area to the destination (like clipboard, printer or file etc.). However if you click on the Cancel output button then the captured area will not be sent to the destination.
Gadwin PrintScreen is available as a free software and also as a paid professional software. If you are not satisfied with the free edition, then you can check the paid professional edition out. So whether you want to show off your product on your site, embed captures in your presentations, or tell your friends how much you scored in an online game – you can do it all easily by capturing the screen and saving it using the free Gadwin PrintScreen.
You can download Gadwin PrintScreen from : http://www.gadwin.com/printscreen/.