In all the web browsers you can press the hotkey Ctrl + F5 to force reload a webpage, but not in Apple Safari. This is why if you use Safari browser and you want to reload a webpage from the website (and not from the local cache), then you must clear the history, cookies and cache of Safari browser first. However, clearing the cookies and the cache (and other items) is relatively easy in Safari compared to other web browsers. Here is how you can clear the browser history, cookies, cache, downloaded items etc. in Apple Safari.
- First of all run the Safari web browser. Click on the gears like icon on the top-right corner in the Safari window. From the drop down menu, select Reset Safari… as shown in the following picture :
- This would result in the opening up of a new window. Here you can select various items that you want to reset (in other words, clear). You can select to clear history (cache), reset top sites, remove webpage preview images, clear the downloads window, remove website icons, remove auto-fill information, reset website data (cookies) and location warnings.
- If you want to clear only the cache, then just select only Clear history and un-select the rest of the options. After selecting the items that you want to clear, click on the Reset button. Safari would re-start after clearing up the selected items.
The above steps would clear up the history, cookies and other sort of data that the websites have stored on in your Safari web browser. If you have to clear multiple browsers on your computer, then you can make use of the free BleachBit tool that can clear cache, cookies, types URLs and other items for Safari, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox and other browsers.