Replace System Files with SysMate System File Walker

If you are an advanced Windows user, then you know how many times you have to replace the system files in order to add some extra features or functionalities in Windows. For example, in Windows sometimes you have to overwrite the tcpip.sys file with its patched version, which increases the number of simultaneous connections made by Windows, improving the performance of peer-to-peer applications like uTorrent. If you find it hard to replace these system files manually, then you can use the free SysMate System File Walker which can help you do so with ease.

SysMate System File Walker program is a Windows program that can automatically take the ownership of the target file, change its permissions and replace it with the source file. It can be downloaded from the J.C.P. blog. The download is a very small ZIP file and contains the portable application. However the program is designed using the Microsoft .NET framework and therefore you need to install either .NET redistributable version 2 or 4 on your system before you can use this. Inside the ZIP archive, you would find the programs compiled using both versions of the .NET framework.

Replace System Files with SysMate System File Walker

The application interface allows for easy file replacement. It has two sections – one to select the target system file that you want to replace and the second text field to select the replacement file (usually patched to improve system performance). Once the selections have been made, click on the Start button for the replacement to begin. A progress bar shows the whole replacement progression and the text information is updated to show what the application is doing at each step (for example, taking ownership, replacing file, and so on).

SysMate System File Walker program also creates a backup of the original system file so that in case of any problems, you can easily restore it. You can use the same application for replacement of the original file from the backup – just select the backed up file as the replacement file this time.

The SysMate System File Walker is a handy tool to easily and quickly replace your system files. It is designed in both .NET framework versions 2 and 4, so you will not have any problems running it under Windows Vista, 7 or 8.

You can download SysMate System File Walker from