Copy to Flash : Automatically Copy Files to USB Key

When you leave office, you sometimes copy some of the files on your USB key so that you can work on them back at home. Now you can use the Copy to Flash too to automate the copying files to flash disk process in such a way that as soon as you insert the USB key, the files from a pre-specified folder get copied to your USB key. This saves you from all the trouble of manually selecting the files and folders and copy-pasting them to the USB key.

You can download Copy to Flash from the FoolishIT software website. The download is available as a portable application. The download is very small in filesize. You can just extract the contents of the downloaded ZIP file and run CopyToFlash.exe from there.

Copy to Flash : Automatically Copy Files to USB Key

In the Copy to Flash window, you can specify the source folder – files of which you want to copy to the inserted flash disk. You can also specify the destination folder on the USB disk drive. You can either choose a subfolder on the target drive or you can choose to copy the files to the root of the drive. After this, you can click on the Start Monitoring! button so that it can keep looking for any new inserted USB keys.

As soon as a new USB key (or any other flash media like micro SD card etc) is detected, Copy to Flash comes into action. It will start the copying process. When the copying is done, it will tell you to unplug the USB key.

Copy to Flash is specially designed to create a number of USB keys with identical content for distribution. For example, if you want to distribute your software on USB keys, then Copy to Flash can do the job for you. You can insert the USB keys one after another and the files would be copied on each one of them without much effort on your side.

You can download Copy to Flash from