Social networking websites like Facebook offer your free of charge service to network with your friends. They make profit from their services by displaying advertisements to the users. Unlike the forced ads of Facebook, Twitter is very modest in displaying ads as you have to give permission to them before you start seeing custom tailored advertisements or as they put it – the promoted content. If you do not want to see this promoted content in your Twitter usage, then you can disable it. Here is how:
- Open Twitter website in your web browser and login using your Twitter credentials.
- Click on the gear like icon and select Settings from the drop-down menu. Alternatively, you can also visit directly in your web browser to open the Twitter account settings.
- On the Twitter account settings, scroll down towards the bottom of the page and you would find a new checkbox labeled Promoted content. Uncheck this option and then click on the Save changes button at the bottom of the page.
- That’s it. From now on, you will not see tailored advertisements based on your search and interests on your Twitter page.