Windows 8 has its own built in firewall but it does give the user many options to change or customize its settings like other third party firewalls. Moreover, Windows firewall allows all the Microsoft programs, by default. But now you can control which programs Windows 8 gives network access and which kind of access is to be granted. This is achieved through a freeware called Windows Firewall Control, which works great for Windows 8.
You can download Windows Firewall Control from The BiniSoft website. The download is less than one megabytes in size and takes less than 1 second to download on a standard broadband Internet connection. The installation does not require any input from the user. Immediately after the installation, you would see a firewall icon in your system tray. If you right-click on it, you can access the settings and choose a profile for the Windows firewall.
There are four firewall profiles – no filtering, low filtering, medium filtering and high filtering. The No filtering profile basically turns the Windows firewall off, while the high filtering options blocks most of the applications and services from accessing the Internet unless allowed explicitly in the Windows Firewall rules.
If you choose the Manage Rules option from the system tray right-click menu, then it would show the rules set in the Windows Firewall. You can view any recently blocked applications or create new rules for applications. You can also modify or delete already existing firewall rules.
If you choose the Control Panel option from the system tray menu, then you would see the Windows Firewall settings window. Here you can choose the profiles, notifications settings (available only for registered users), options to auto-start the application and integrate it in File Explorer, default settings for the new rules and so on.
Windows Firewall Control is a small but very customizable application that extends the basic functionality of the in-built Windows Firewall and provides quick access to the various options of Windows Firewall which are otherwise hard to find. It runs in the notification area and allows users to control the native firewall easily without having to open the complicated Windows Firewall interface.
You can download the Windows Firewall Control from h