EXIF (short for exchangeable image file format) data is a form of hidden metadata attached to JPEG (.jpg) images. Most of the modern cameras including the ones in your mobile phones save the EXIF information automatically on any pictures you take with them. In addition, the editors like Adobe Photoshop also modify and save the EXIF information inside the JPEG images. This EXIF data may contain camera type, lens type, shutter speed and exposure, date and time, copyright information, author, programs used to edit the image, longitude and latitude and more. If you share your JPEG pictures with someone, you may want to clear this information first. The free program Easy Exif Delete allows you to easily remove this metadata from your JPEG images.
You can download the Easy Exif Delete from its website. The program is a standalone portable program, so you can just download and run it without installing it first. It works in Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8. After running the program, you can click on the Select Images button to select the JPEG images from your local hard disks or removable disks.
It would scan all the selected images and show you their full path and whether they contain EXIF information or not. If a picture contains EXIF information, you would see Exif Found for it. If it contains no EXIF information, then it would show Not Found under the Exif Data column header. To clean the EXIF data, all you have to do is click on the Delete Exif button. If you want to start over, then you can click on the Clear List button and select the images again.
So if you want to share your pictures with someone and do not want to give away all the private information embedded inside the EXIF metadata, then you can use the free Easy Exif Delete program and clean all the EXIF data from your JPEG images.
You can download Easy Exif Delete from http://www.easyexifdelete.com/.