You can hide folders and files by changing their hidden attributes in Windows File Explorer, but this way of hiding files is very insecure. Just about anyone can reset the file attributes or change the File Explorer settings to view all files irrespective of their attributes. A better and more secure way to hide the files is through the free WinMend Folder Hidden software. It can hide folders and files quickly from local partitions and removable portable disks drives.
You can download WinMend Folder Hidden from the WinMend software website. The download is around 3 megabytes of installation setup file which can be used to install Folder Hidden in Windows. After the installation, you can run it from its desktop shortcut. The first time you run it, it would ask you to enter a password. This password would later be required to run WinMend Folder Hidden.
The WinMend Folder Hidden window shows up with a easy to use interface. To add a folder or file to be hidden, click on the Hide Folder or Hide File(s) buttons and select the folders or files. The selected items are instantly hidden and disappear from the partitions. Later if you want to unhide them, then just select the hidden items from the list and click on the Unhide button.
Although WinMend Folder Hidden is a very easy to use and quick application to hide your folders and files, yet its not very secure. The way it hides the items in the partitions can easily be reversed if you know what you are doing. If you have reason to hide your folders much more securely, then you should use an encryption tool like AXCrypt instead.
You can download the WinMend Folder Hidden from