Watch Youtube Videos Quicker with Feather

If you like watching Youtube videos then you know sometimes they take a long time to load and sporadically stop in the middle for a few seconds. But now Youtube has started a Feather project which switches off most of the Youtube features and reduces the amount of bytes downloaded by the browser to make Youtube seem faster in response. You can enable Feather for your Youtube account in order to have a faster Youtube experience. Here is how :

  1. Visit the Youtube TestTube page at
  2. On the TestTube page, you would find many new projects which are being designed and tested by the Youtube engineers. Here you would find the Feather project listed along with many others. Click on Try it out link shown next to it.

    Watch Youtube Videos Quicker with Feather

  3. On the next screen, it would display information about the Feather project which you can read if you want to. To join the Feather project, click on the blue colored button Join Feather Beta.

    Watch Youtube Videos Quicker with Feather

  4. That’s it. You would be shown a message that you have successfully joined the Feather project after which you can go about your everyday usual Youtube activities. You would notice that whenever you watch a Youtube video, it does not load extraneous elements like similar videos, share buttons or comments box. It just loads the selected Youtube video. This makes the latency response of all the Youtube videos very much faster.