Malwarebytes Anti-Malware is the grand-daddy of all the malware removal utilities. There is hardly any malware that it cannot detect and remove. It can remove thousands of malware of many different types including fake antivirus, ransomeware, toolbars, trojans and more. And the best part is that it provides all these features for free. In the paid version, you also get many other advanced features like real-time scanning, flash scanning and more. If you often get infected with malware then you should regularly scan your computer with Malwarebytes Anti-Malware and remove the found objects. Fortunately, even if you cannot afford the licensed version of this malware removal tool, you can set it to scan your PC automatically at Windows start. This way your PC is scanned everyday for malware and you stay safer on the Internet.
Here is how you can set Malwarebytes Anti-Malware to scan your PC automatically at boot:
- Press the hotkey Win + R to open the Run dialog. In the Run dialog, enter taskschd.msc and press Enter.
- This would open the Windows Task Scheduler. In this window, click on Create Basic Task under the Actions on the right side.
- This would open the task creation wizard. In the task name, you can type anything you want, but giving a meaningful name would be useful. Give the task name something like MBAM Automatic Scan. Click the Next button.
- In the Trigger section, set the task to be run When the computer starts. Click the Next button.
- In the Action section, choose Start a program. Click the Next button.
- For the program path, type in the full path name of mbam.exe file which is usually located in the C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\ folder. You can click on the Browse button to select the mbam.exe file. Make sure to wrap the file path inside the double-quotes. In the arguments field type /scan -quick -terminate. Click the Next button.
- Click on the Finish button to create the Task.
That’s it. After this, your PC would be automatically scanned for malware as soon as Windows is started. When the scan is finished, it would be terminated if no malware is found. If any malware is detected, then it would show you the report.
The /scan -quick -terminate
argument doesn’t work–you only get to the initial page of Malwarebytes free…
no scan starts.