If you have files that could prove to be very damaging to your financial or personal life if fallen into wrong hands, then you should dispose of them securely. Unlike the paper files you cannot burn or shred the electronic files, but you can overwrite them multiple times to a point that they become completely irrecoverable. The Free File Wiper software lets you overwrite your sensitive files and erase them securely, so that the possibility of recovering them using specialized software like Recuva falls below a feasible limit. The Free File Wiper offers multiple methods for overwriting your files like quick erase, secure erase and maniacal erase.
The Free File Wiper is available both as a setup installer as well as a portable program. In both cases, it places an icon in the Windows notification area (system tray) on which you can right-click and view different options. You can choose the wiping methods (none, quick erase, normal erase, secure erase, maniacal erase), transparency of the window, integrate it with Send To context-menu for files, auto-start with Windows and more.
The Free File Wiper does not come with a regular window interface. In order to delete files or folders, you have to drag-and-drop them on the Free File Wiper icon that floats on your desktop window. It will ask you for confirmation and after that finish erasing the selected files based on the wiping method that you have selected. A progress window is shown during the time it erases your files or folders.
Conclusion: The Free File Wiper is a simple and easy-to-use secure file erasing tool that can securely erase your sensitive files and folders by overwriting them with random data, making your files potentially irrecoverable. It is a portable program and can be carried by you on a USB flash key.
You can download Free File Wiper from http://www.myportablesoftware.com/freefilewiper.aspx.