Send Links, Messages & Files from Web Browser to Android Device with Pushbullet

If you are using your desktop computer and stumble upon a very exciting web site or app and want to open it in your Android smartphone or share it with your friends, then what would you do? May be you would text them about it, share the link on twitter or just give them a call about it. But a much more efficient way is to use the free app Pushbullet. The Pushbullet app allows you to send messages, links, files, lists and addresses to any connected Android device right from your web browser. Not only that, you can reverse send the content too – from your Android device to other connected devices or web browsers.

In order to start using the Pushbullet service you must need a Google account which all Android users already have. After you install the app in your Android device and launch it, it would ask you to connect with a Google account. You can choose any Google account that you are using in your Android smartphone.


After installing and adding your Google account to the Pushbullet app in your Android device, you can go back to your desktop computer and open the Pushbullet website in any of your web browsers. Here you can click on the Sign in button and sign in using the same Google account that you used in the Pushbullet app. After you sign in, it will display all the connected devices and browsers (the browsers where you are signed in currently).


You can choose one of these devices or browsers as the target. Then choose what you want to send – messages, links, files, lists or addresses. After typing in the required field or uploading the file (it allows files of maximum 25 MB size only), you can click on the Push button and it will instantly be sent to all the connected devices.


The Pushbutton also has extensions for various web browsers like Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. These extensions make it very easy to send links (and other items) from your web browser to your connected devices. For example, in Firefox you can click on the Pushbullet icon in the toolbar (after you have installed the Pushbullet extension) and it will show the current website link auto-filled in and ready to be sent to your devices – all you have to do is click on the Push button.


Not only you can use Pushbullet to send the content from your web browser to your own Android device, but you can use it to send content to your friend’s devices too if you have connected with them.

Conclusion: Pushbullet makes it very easy send the messages, links, files and other things from your web browser to your Android device. You can also connect with your friends and share links, pictures and other files with your them. The Pushbullet works in the reverse direction too – for sending items from your mobile phone to your web browser.

You can get the links to app and extensions for Pushbullet on their website