More and more people are choosing the SSD (solid state disks) over HDD disks because of their fast access speeds. Your computer works much more faster when working on a SSD, but since SSDs have a comparative shorter life span, you always afraid that you may lose the data one day. This is why, if you are using a SSD disk in your computer you should have an idea about how much possible life is remaining after which the disk will stop working. The free SSD Ready software can analyze your SSD disks and tell you an estimate of its life.
SSD Ready is available in two editions – free version and paid professional version. The free version has nothing but the monitoring and life estimation features in it. After you install SSD Ready in Windows, you can launch it from its desktop shortcut.
You have to select one or more partitions of your SSD to be monitored. SSD Ready will keep monitoring for number of disk writes and reads and how much data is being written on the SSD. You should select all the partitions for best results. After this you can click on the Start button to start the monitoring. You must run the disk monitoring for at least 2 hours before it can give you an estimate about your SSD life. But ideally, best results are seen over a long period of time, for example, after 3-4 weeks.
When it has collected enough data, the approximate SSD life shall be shown in the SSD Ready window. But you can also click on the Estimate SSD Life button in the toolbar to find an estimate at any time.
If you find that it is showing a very less approximate life for your installed SSD, then it is time to invest in another SSD or HDD and backup your important files to local disks or to a cloud storage account.
Conclusion: SSD Ready monitors your SSD disks to find out how much you are using it on a daily basis. Based on your disk usage behavior, it predicts an approximate life time for your SSD. If you are using SSD more, the life of your SSD will reduce and vice versa.
You can download SSD Ready from