The importance of keeping a regular backup much more evident in the event of actually suffering some or other sort of data loss – accidental deletion of files, losing a USB stick, hard disk getting crashed, malware infection or online data theft – to name a few. Most people are aware of the usefulness of a regular backup, but they shrink back at the though of using overwhelming backup software. If you are one of those Windows users who have always been afraid of using complicated data backup utilities, then you may try the easy and simple Cyotek CopyTools software.
Cyotek CopyTools allows you to create backup of your files in a much more flexible and easy way. The ability to create one or more backup profiles, choose backup types, set a schedule are some of the main features of this wonderful software.
To start with creating a simple backup, you will have to start with creating a backup profile. You can select File → New Profile from the menubar to open the new profile dialog. You can also use the hotkey Ctrl + N for the same effect.
In the New Profile window, you have choose the a source folder, a destination folder, whether to copy all the files or only selected ones, a copy mode (copy, move, mirror or compress the files), and set a schedule for the backup to run. Finally, you can give the backup a name and description and click on the Finish button to save it.
When a backup profile has been created, it will automatically run at the scheduled time. But you can also manually run it by selecting it and then clicking on the play button in the toolbar. You can also use the hotkey Shift+F5 to start the copying of the files based on the criteria specified in the selected backup profile. Depending on the number of files and the performance of your PC, the backup process may take from a few minutes to a few hours to finish.
Conclusion: The Cyotek CopyTools software is an easy to use backup utility for Windows. It can be used to create regular schedules backups or copy files between two different computers or hard disks. You can also configure a backup to run automatically when a storage device is connected to your PC.
You can download Cyotek CopyTools from