DriverMax : Update and Backup Windows Device Drivers

Every now and then, the hardware manufacturers like NVidia and AMD keep releasing the updates latest drivers for their hardware like GPU (graphics processor) and sound cards. You can update these drivers manually by visiting the device manufacturer’s websites, but in order to keep always updated, you will have to use a third party software like DriverMax that can automatically download the latest version of device drivers for all kinds of hardware including the GPU, sound card, USB devices, hard disk drives and more. It is also able to backup and restore the current versions of device drivers so that you can easily roll back to previous drivers in case the new version does not work as expected.

DriverMax can be downloaded from the website of Innovative Solutions software. The downloaded setup installer contains Open Candy and offers to install unwanted programs which you may or may not cancel from installation depending on your preferences. On the main screen of DriverMax, you can choose to scan for updated drivers by clicking on the Scan for updates Now button.


This will launch another window that scans your computer for all the hardware drivers and search the internet for their latest versions. You will be shown a list of all the detected device drivers for which you can download the new version of drivers by clicking on the Download button.


Another noteworthy feature of the DriverMax software is its ability to backup and restore device drivers. It can backup the existing device drivers so that you can later restore them if the new versions of the device drivers do not work as expected or make your system a little slower.


Conclusion: DriverMax is a great companion software for all the Windows PC users for keeping their device driver software up-to-date. It is also able to create a backup of your installed drivers so that you can later roll back the drivers in case of any mishap.

You can download the DriverMax software from