These days, some of the USB flash drives are coming in very fashionable designs. I myself recently bought an HP USB flash drive key that has a stainless steel cover and a pen-like clip. Though these flash drives look great, they often do not have any LED indicator of any sort. Without any LED indicator it becomes a problem when you are copying files to or from these USB pen drives – you get no idea when the file operation has stopped. If it had any LED, you could easily know that file operation has stopped when LED has stopped blinking.
For these types of USB flash drives that have no LED indicator, you can use the free My Flash Drive LED software as the LED indicator. This software installs a virtual LED in the Windows system tray that goes green on data read and red on data write events for your USB flash keys.
The “My Flash Drive LED” software is a portable program and does not require installation of any kind (though it does need .NET 3.5 redistributable package to be installed for working). As you run the program, it places a USB flash drive icon in the system tray of your Windows desktop. As you use your USB flash drive, this icon turns green or red for data read or data write events respectively – behaving as your own multi-color LED indicator.
If you want to change these colors, then you can right-click on the My Flash Drive LED system tray icon and pick the colors for read and write events. You can also change the flash drive LED refresh rate, rescan the attached flash drives or make it automatically restart with Windows.
Conclusion: If your USB flash drive did not come with any LED indicator, then you can use the free My Flash Drive LED software as your very own multi-color LED indicator for all the USB flash drives. It is highly customizable and allows you to change the LED indicator color to suit your own preferences.
You can download My Flash Drive LED software from