If you are an advanced Windows user and want to investigate whether your Windows PC is infected with some sort of malware or not, then you may find Ultimate Virus Sniffer useful. It is an advanced analysis tool that can help you search for the suspicious files, settings and hidden file systems that could be related to malware infection. You can detect known malware using your regular antivirus scanner, but the unknown malware can be sniffed using the Ultimate Virus Sniffer.
Ultimate Virus Sniffer starts by giving you a warning that this tool is meant only for the advanced users and should be used carefully. From the starting screen, you can choose the target scanning location – OS image, remote computer, local system with current user or local system under a different user. Typically, you would choose local system to be analyzed.
After this, it will perform a thorough scanning of your system to detect any suspicious files, modules or file systems that could be linked to unknown malware including rootkits. You can choose to view what type of items you want to see in the list of detected items – services, startup items, suspicious & viruses, running processes, loaded modules, hosts file, network connections, scheduled tasks and so on.
You would be more concerned for the items under the Suspicious & Viruses category. You can right-click on any of these items and choose to scan it using VirusTotal, Jotti’s virusscan, Runscanner etc. You can also disable these items from accessing the disk directly or restricting them from running.
The Ultimate Virus Sniffer comes with hundreds of other tools and useful features that can be accessed from the menubar. You can run many of these tools from under the “Run” menubar section. There are other advanced tools that may help locating hidden modules, data streams, backing up Windows Registry and more.
Conclusion: Ultimate Virus Sniffer is a tool for advanced Windows users who want to analyze a local or remote Windows system for the presence of malware. It can also be used to fixing some of other system problems unrelated to virus infection.
You can download Ultimate Virus Sniffer from http://dsrt.dyndns.org/uvslng.htm.