WhatsApp is very popular social networking app for all types of smartphones including the Android, iPhone and the Windows based phones. For many years you could chat with anyone that also has WhatsApp installed and share your media files with them. But recently they have also added an option to make free internet calls to your WhatsApp contacts. This has made WhatsApp an app that some people cannot live without. If you use WhatsApp everyday, imagine how you would feel if you accidentally lose or erase the conversations history in WhatsApp? Even though WhatsApp automatically create a backup of the conversations at 4:00 AM every night, you can also make manual backups easily.
Creating manual backups of WhatsApp conversations can be useful when you are thinking of switching from one phone to another (for example from iPhone to Android) and want to restore your older conversations. You can also create manual backups, when you are going to factory restore your Android smartphone.
In order to create the manual backups of WhatsApp conversations in your Android smartphone, you can follow these steps:
- Open WhatsApp app in Android. Touch the menu button in Android (the one on the lower-left corner of the screen) and select Settings to open the WhatsApp settings.
- In the WhatsApp settings, select Chat Settings.
- On the Chat settings screen, you can see the last time a backup was made for your conversations under Backup Conversations. You can touch Backup Conversations to force WhatsApp to create one more backup instantly.
- All the backups are stored on your SD card in the file WhatsApp/Databases/msgstore.db.crypt8. You can restore this file later on to restore the conversations in WhatsApp.
Conclusion: Even though WhatsApp creates manual backups of your conversations every night at 4:00 AM, you can still manually backup the conversations in the event you want to switch the phones or factory reset the device.
backup’s are valid only for one week