We all have weakness for some or other types of Youtube videos and we can spend hours watching them. I myself, for example, get very excited when I am watching those street food videos in all different exotic locations of world, for some inexplicable reason. My niece, on the other hand, watches makeup and hair-do videos as much as she can. As I write this, she is watching a video on the art of taking great selfies. But all this Youtube fun goes poof when an internet connection is not available. People at Youtube know this and have added an option to take your Youtube videos offline in your smartphone, so that you can watch these offline videos even when there is no internet connection available.
The offline capability is available in the recent versions of the Youtube app in Android. So make sure you are using the latest version of Youtube app in your smartphone. After this you can try watching any video in Youtube and you would notice a new offline icon. Clicking on this offline icon will make that video offline, i.e., it will download the video to your phone for offline viewing. This offline icon may not appear in all videos.
Once a video has been downloaded and is now offline, the offline icon changes to show the status and turns into a check mark. Now when you try to watch this video even when online, the offline version is played, saving your internet bandwidth.
If you cannot find which videos you have taken offline in the Youtube app, then you can try pulling the app menu and choose Offline from there. This will show you a list of all the offline videos that you can play directly from this list. The number of videos you can take offline depends on the amount of available memory in your phone.
Conclusion: You can take videos offline in the Youtube app for watching them when internet is not available. This is very convenient for Youtube lovers and saved your internet bandwidth on costly data plans.