If you do not forget to keep your smart phone in the back pocket of your jeans before you step out of your home, then chances are that in a couple of months the small crevices of your phone will collect some dust. Since the phones also produce electromagnetic radiation repeatedly, the accumulation of dust is much more accelerated than for any other object you carry with you. What is more, the speaker grills may also get clogged with small dust particles which may reduce the sound quality of your smart phone. You should clean the speaker grills once in a while if you notice the dust blocking the small tiny grill holes.
One way to clean the dust blocking the speaker grills is to use the compressed air can with the air nozzle pointed at almost a horizontal direction towards the grills. Another method involves using any type of tape (scotch tape or cello tape works great) and stick it on the speaker grills, then gently remove the tape – hopefully removing all the dust particles along with the tape. You can also use any type of brush that has soft bristles (the shaving brush or paint brush works great) and dust off the speaker grill gently with it.
Besides these mechanical ways of cleaning the grill, you can also use an app like Speaker Clean to remove the dust particles. This app sends small durations high pitch sounds to the speaker making the any clogged dust particles to dislocate from the grill. These high pitch sounds are sent for a few seconds after which you can check the speakers by playing music to see if it has made any difference to the sound quality.
Conclusion: The speaker grills in the smart phones may get clogged easily after some months of phone usage. You can remove this dust using a myriad of methods from using a brush to using a specialized app.