How to Install Xposed Framework in Android

Android is the most customizable open-source operating system available for mobile devices including tablets and smart phones. But it can be further customized using some community created tools like Xposed framework that allows a user to change the appearance or behavior of the Android operating system. Xposed framework can be used only on rooted Android devices, so if your device is not rooted then you can have a look at our previous article – how to root Android devices with Kingo Android Root. After installing the Xposed framework, you can install and use the Xposed modules in your device that offer many features or fixes that could not be possible otherwise.

Here is how you can easily install Xposed framework in any Android device:

  1. Download Xposed framework installer APK from
  2. Copy the downloaded file to your smartphone and then side-load the Xposed installer APK. You may want to read – how to install APK files in Android (also called side-loading of apps).
  3. Once the Xposed installer app is installed in your Android device, launch it. When asked, give it superuser access (also called root access).
  4. Select the Framework section and then touch on the Install/Update button. This will install Xposed framework on your Android device.Xposed Framework Installer
  5. Successful installation of the Xposed framework requires that you reboot your Android device. After the rebooting of your device, it will finalize the installation and then you can proceed with downloading and using the modules from the Xposed framework app.
  6. Some of the Xposed modules require the use of Busybox package. You can install Busybox from the Play store itself from

Xposed framework provides the advanced Android users with an arsenal of tools that can be used to make system level changes to modify the behavior and appearance of the Android operating system. It can also be used to fix some of the problems that a particular Android ROM could have (for this you may have to go through XDA forums and ask the experts there).