A little program called Diskovery can be used by Windows users to find out detailed information about your local disks and other data storage media. Diskovery is a portable program, so you do not have to install anything on your system. Just download the Diskovery binary file to your PC and launch it.
At the start, it displays a dictionary-like definition for the word Diskovery – a misspelling for “discovery” and a Windows program to inspect details of one’s local drives, disk arrays, partitions and volumes. This welcome message puts a smile on the user’s face and reveals the funny temperament of the developer. You can proceed to the main interface to actually look at all the data storage details of your PC.
Diskovery lists the storage devices first in the list shown to the left side of the program’s window. Under this list, you can see all the volumes (partitions) of these data storage devices. It works with all kinds of storage devices like the traditional hard disks, solid state disks, USB flash disks, USB powered hard disks or solid state disks and more. You can click on any items in this list to the left to display the details in the right side of the window.
The details about a storage device includes vendor, capacity, product name, serial number, operational status (including SMART data), volumes or partition details, power details, USB connection details, data transfer rates and so on. In the case of volumes, the details include mount points (drive letter), volume type, status, health, file system used, volume size, volume usage details and more.
When you have seen all of the interesting details about your data storage capacities and you try to close down the Diskovery program, it asks you if you want to submit & share your scan log for analysis. This will send the data collected from your PC to the Diskovery servers, but its all up to you to decide.
You can download Diskovery from https://pipemetrics.com/diskovery/beta.