How to Remotely Monitor CPU Temperature with Core Temp Monitor

Core Temp Monitor is a Windows tool that allows you to monitor the temperature of various cores of the system processor. It displays some basic information about your system too like the available physical memory (RAM), the processor model, the frequency of the processor, the CPUID and more. It stays in the Windows’ system tray and keeps displaying the core temperatures for the CPU. It even has an alert option to warn you if the CPU cores are overheated. But what many people do not know is that Core Temp Monitor also allows you to remotely monitor the CPU cores’ temperatures and view it in your Android smartphone or iPhone. Here is how:

  1. Download and install Core Temp Monitor in your PC. During the installation choose the Core Temp Remote Server plugin for enabling the remote monitoring features.Core Temp Remote Monitor
  2. If you are using a router to connect to the internet, then you have to forward the port 5200 because this port is used by Core Temp Monitor to receive connections from the smartphone app. Every router has different ways of port forwarding, and you need to consult your router manual to know how you can forward ports.Core Temp Remote Monitor
  3. Install the Core Temp Monitor Lite app in your Android smartphone. Press the menu button followed by Add monitor and then enter the external IP address of your PC, monitor name and the port 5200. Save the monitor and it will start working.Core Temp Remote Monitor
  4. The app will display the CPU model, frequency, temperature, RAM usage, voltage among other details of your Windows PC. You can tap on the information and copy it to clipboard if needed.Core Temp Remote Monitor

Core Temp Monitor makes it very easy for you to remotely monitor your PC’s critical system stats like the CPU’s core temperature, RAM performance and so on. It can be used from anywhere in the world to monitor your PC sitting in your office or home.

You can download Core Temp Monitor for PC from